Internal Admin

≈80% decrease in time needed to complete 20+ key tasks

January 2020
Internal Admin


Early on at Homebot, I discovered that our internal team had developed a list of "workarounds" to use our internal admin tool effectively. The tool had been built in 3 days, 3 years prior, using a CSS bootstrap template, and had several issues. We decided to address the critical problems with the current tool while also working on a redesigned version that would allow our team to work more efficiently and effectively.


  • A developer used a CSS bootstrap template to build an internal tool to allow our team to manage customers and users.
  • Over the following three years, our internal team struggled to use the tool and had to rely on workarounds.
  • We wanted to redesign the tool to better support the key tasks of our team.

Internal Admin
Internal Admin


  • After building rapport with key stakeholders across the org, I gathered feedback from each team leader and team member through a survey.
  • The survey captured all tasks from a team of 26, the three most important and time-consuming tasks, and what they would prioritize fixing.
  • I synthesized all key tasks by group (Data, CSS, CSM) and sent a list of key tasks back to the team leaders to validate they had been heard.
  • I conducted job-to-be-done style interviews to gather further information on tasks.
  • I worked with the tech leads on my team to select a technology stack (Tailwind CSS, React, and Internal Data) for a new tool.
  • I reorganized the information architecture and redesigned UI with identified key tasks in mind.
  • I ran usability tests using low and fidelity prototypes where team members would imagine they were using a new tool to complete their current tasks. Although the interface and workflow were entirely different, the team members were able to complete their tasks intuitively with no prompting from the moderator.
  • We began building out the new interface and created redirects from old tool to new one. Therefore, splitting delivery into small chunks of value and naturally transitioning to the new design.


  • ≈80% decrease in time needed to complete 20+ key tasks.
  • Significant improvements in efficiency, effectiveness, and usability, which made for happier employees!
  • Workflows that previously required 15+ steps were redesigned to only require 3 steps.
  • Our key stakeholders’ supported and were connected to the work we were producing and the direction our roadmap was headed.
  • Our product squad also became enthusiastic about the project as they were able to empathize with the challenges faced by the internal team.

Internal Admin